Applied Research Building Grand Opening Celebration

March 9, 2023

Wednesday April 5th at 5:00 PM


Join the University of Arizona Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation, Elizabeth “Betsy” Cantwell and other university leadership for the launch our new Applied Research Building (ARB). 

ARB is a highly specialized, one-of-a-kind, 89,000-square-foot facility that pairs new applied research capabilities with state-of-the-art equipment and technology and brings together several interdisciplinary university programs under one roof.

This will provide regionally unique capabilities for the university, allow for expansion of industry and advanced manufacturing partnerships, and turn research and discovery into practical, real-world solutions that produce societal impact.

To keep the university at the forefront of space science and exploration, ARB will serve as a world-class test and integration center for satellites, probes, and spacecraft, including:

  • A 40-foot tall high-bay payload assembly area used for constructing high-altitude stratospheric balloons and nanosatellites also known as "CubeSats."
  • A thermal vacuum chamber that simulates environmental conditions in space to test balloon and satellite performance that is the largest of its kind at any university in the world.
  • A non-reflective, echo-free room called an anechoic chamber to test antennae for command, control, and data relay purposes.
  • A large lab for testing the performance of a range of objects, from airplane wings to sensors.

Registration Required

We encourage you to register as soon as possible as there is a cap on the number of attendees due to space constraints, but at the latest by Wednesday, March 29.


A limited number of 35-minute guided tours will be offered with a separate registration forthcoming. Self-guided tours will also be permitted during this event only.


Parking is available for $2 per hour in the Highland Avenue Parking Garage located at 1240 N. Highland Ave. Although the garage is gateless, payment for parking is supported by the Passport smartphone app using a validation code (52028) and your license plate number.

Food & Drink

Beverage service and heavy hors d'oeuvres, including both vegan and gluten-free options, will be provided.

Please contact us if you have any questions or accommodations requests.
Apr 05
5:00 pm
Apr 05
7:00 pm


Applied Research Building
1420 E Helen Street
Tucson, Arizona 85719
view on map